Do This When The Words Refuse To Flow Smoothly

Basina Suraj
2 min readOct 5, 2023


Just Keep Writing.

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Today is one of those days when nothing seems to work. My pool of words just dried up.

My flow doesn’t seem natural today. I don’t even have a clue on what to write about today.

My inspiration is at zero, an all-time low today.

Days like this make you feel like a perfectionist. Nothing seems good enough in your world.

Suddenly, every article becomes long and boring to write.

Doubt creeps into every stage of your writing process. Nothing makes sense anymore.

These excuses keep you in a loop of procrastination and self-doubts.

But moments like this shape you into an exceptional writer if you aspire to succeed.

Rather than giving up, embrace your professionalism and fill that empty page in front of you.

You won’t be 100% every single day. You will have good and bad days. Life will get in your way. And that’s fine.

Keep writing, because these experiences make you human.

Tap into your inner spirit to find your willpower when you’re having bad days.

So, just write. Keep filling in the blank pages until inspiration strikes you again.

Today, I went down that path. Just keep writing. That’s the secret to overcoming writer’s block.



Basina Suraj

Inspiring you through my Productivity and Self Improvement tips one story at a time.